Details for Breweries

everything you need to know about participating in MN Pint Day
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November 24 (Black Friday)


Like last year, MN Pint Day will really be MN Pint Weekend — mark your calendars for November 24-26, 2023, for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Small Brewery Sunday.

  • About Pint Day
  • State-wide Brew: Golden Ale Recipe
  • Promotion
  • 2023 Artwork
  • FAQs

What Is It?

MN Pint Day is a revenue and promotion opportunity for breweries and brewpubs all around the state, and a fundraiser for the Guild.  MN Pint Day invites craft beer fans to visit their favorite local taprooms all across Minnesota on the same day. Participants can get an exclusive pint glass and take advantage of custom specials at your business. MN Pint Day encourages Minnesotans to #DrinkLocal and #ShopLocal this holiday season.

New This Year: MN Pint Day Golden Ale

We’re adding a state-wide brew! Brew the official MN Pint Day Golden Ale and serve it up starting Black Friday. The base recipe can be customized however you’d like, or use your existing Golden Ale! (Members are welcome to just do the pint glasses, just do the brew, or both.)

The MN Pint Day Brew was coordinated by the MNCBG Board and is being sponsored by BSG CraftBrewing, Hopsteiner, and Maltwerks.These generous businesses are offering discounts for your MN Pint Day Brew – see recipe on next tab for details.

2023 Timeline

  • August-September: Artwork submissions open.
  • October: Glassware orders open until October 16.
  • November 3: Share your promotion details by this date to be included in our marketing.
  • November 6-10 Glassware shipment.
  • November 24: MN Pint Day

How Does It Work?

  1. Pint is created. The Guild creates the official glass.
  2. Members order pints (orders were due by Oct 16).  Ship directly to your business, or choose from our 4 regional shipping hubs (Metro, NE, SE, and Central) for cost savings.
  3. Plan your unique MN Pint Day! Choose if you’re going to brew the MN Pint Day Golden Ale, and decide what other promotions, events, or glassware deals you’ll use to draw customers to your taproom. These glasses are yours, so you can do any promotion you like!
  4. Share your promotion plan with us for additional marketing on the MN Pint Day Map! Plans are due on this form by November 3.
  5. Promote your MN Pint Day. The Guild will provide graphics and materials, along with press support, to help promote Minnesota Pint Day to customers around the state. Whether you celebrate YOUR Pint Day promotions on Black Friday weekend or for a full month after, you’ll still be included in all of our press and promo efforts!
  6. Profit! Sell glasses starting November 24. All proceeds raised by you from your MN Pint Day sales stay with your brewery. Grandstand will donate one dollar of each pint ordered to the Guild.

Click on the next tab to see the Statewide Brew recipe.


We’re adding a state-wide brew! Brew the official MN Pint Day Golden Ale and serve it up starting Black Friday. The base recipe can be customized however you’d like, or use your existing Golden Ale! (Members are welcome to just do the pint glasses, just do the brew, or both.)

The MN Pint Day Brew is being sponsored by BSG CraftBrewing, Hopsteiner, and Maltwerks. These generous Allied Trade Members are offering discounts for your MN Pint Day Brew.

>> See Recipe and Discounts

Click on the next tab to see Promotional resources.


The Guild Can Help You Promote!

MN Pint Day 2023 Map
Map Coming Soon!

>> Tell us your promotion plan using this form! (Form submissions due November 3)

Not sure what promotions to do? Below are some popular promotions from previous MN Pint Days. Breweries have also paired MN Pint day with live music, trivia, meat raffles, and other events.

  • Purchase Pint Glass Alone: $6-8
  • Purchase Pint Glass w/ fill: $8-12
  • Spend $50 in the taproom and get a glass free
  • $1 off all Pint pours in your glass, even if you got it at a different brewery
  • 1/2 off a pint/ BOGO beers if you buy the glass
  • Paired with a fundraiser (bring a can of food, get a pint glass for $5, etc.)
  • Holiday Gift specials (pair of pint glasses, a growler, and merch)

The Guild will begin promoting MN Pint Day and the MN Pint Day Map (which lists your promotional activities) in October, and will run ads on radio, Facebook, and Instagram through the month of November. We’re also promoting to press, influencers, and our extensive list of festival/customer contacts. However, the majority of your customers will likely be from your local community while they are out celebrating Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend, so be sure to do your own local promotion too!

Post About MN Pint Day and the Golden Ale Brew
Let your fans know what promotions you’re doing! If you tag us or use #MNPintDay, we will share it with our fans too. Promotional photos with the glassware, like these past images posted to member social channels, are great!

MN Pint Day Promotional Images

It’s never too early to start promoting your promotions and deals. We’ve shared a few “Save the Date” graphics below for you to use! These are available as squares or in story format.

Save The Date 3
Save The Date 1
Pint Day 2023 - Insta
Pint Day 2023 - Insta (1)
Pint Day 2023 - Stories

Click on the next tab for details about this year’s artwork!

We are excited to announce that the art submitted by Lindsay Hendrickson of Kinney Creek Brewery was selected for this year’s pint glass!

Lindsay created these icons of major MN water landmarks (but beer!) for the 2023 MNCBG Member Map that was on display at the MN State Fair. We gave away 9,000 maps at the Fair, and the images on the map were so popular with Fairgoers that we wanted to share them for MN Pint Day too! We are thrilled to feature Lindsay’s artwork on MN Pint Day glassware for craft beer fans throughout the state to enjoy. Thank you Lindsey and everyone who submitted art.

Click the next tab for FAQs.

Answers to FAQs

Why did we start doing MN Pint Day?
The Guild is always looking for new ways to help promote Minnesota craft beer, build the craft beer community, and help members generate revenue and press. We were looking for an every that allows every member to participate in their own community and customers – no travel needed! Pint Days like this have been successful in numerous other states, and our inaugural MN Pint Day (December 2021) was highly successful for participating breweries and brewpubs.

How many glasses should I order?
This is entirely up to you! Do what works for your budget, customer engagement, and promotion plan. Last year, the average was 4 cases, with orders as high as 10 cases. Several members commented on how quickly their pints went, and 43% of last year’s participants said they’d order more pints this year.

How can I save money on shipping?
When you ordered your glassware, you could choose to have glasses shipped directly to you or to one of 4 regional Hubs. If you chose a regional Hub, your shipment will be combined with other area Pint Day glasses, and the group will collectively save on shipping.

The minimum order is 72 glasses. What if I don’t need that many but still want to participate?
Orders can be split with other breweries/brewpubs, but you’ll need to select one shipping location and split your order on your own.

What kinds of promotions can we do?
You can do any promotion you like – once the glasses are purchased, the rest is up to you, and all proceeds will stay with your business! If you need some help, here are some popular promotions from previous MN Pint Days:

  • Purchase Pint Glass Alone: $6-8
  • Purchase Pint Glass w/ fill: $8-12
  • Spend $50 in the taproom and get a glass free
  • $1 off all Pint pours in your glass, even if you got it at a different brewery
  • 1/2 off a pint/ BOGO beers if you buy the glass
  • Paired with a fundraiser (bring a can of food, get a pint glass for $5, etc.)
  • Holiday Gift specials (pair of pint glasses, a growler, and merch)

Does this help the Guild?
Yes! Grandstand will donate $1 from every pint purchased to the Guild, and that money will go towards advocacy, scholarships, and other Guild services to members.

Thank You to Grandstand for partnering with us on MN Pint Day!

Please note: The only legitimate communications about MN Pint Day will come directly from the Guild. Occasionally, scammers will find event brewery lists and send phishing emails to breweries posing as the organizer or a related third-party. If you see one of these emails, DO NOT click or reply.

The Guild never sells brewery or attendee contact information to any party.